Transforming Teesside Shopping Park / September, 2015

A long established and successful retail destination in Stockton-On-Tees, Teesside Shopping Park was first refurbished by The Harris Partnership over a decade ago and is now part of British Land’s bold BL:ueprint for its ‘Places People Prefer’ programme of enhancements. This programme is aimed at rejuvenating the basic car to shop-door format, with expressive contemporary shopping park environments that deliver lively consumer experiences.

From an aesthetic perspective, the existing retail terraces have become dated, lacking the flexibility to adapt to modern retail demands. As part of Phase 1 the external canopy colonnade across the park is being replaced with new full height structural glazing at 6m, significantly increasing tenant visibility whilst a new parapet detail will create fully flexible signage zones. The new façade treatment will be fully adaptable to future unit integration with minimal works required.

BL:ueprint Phase 2 prioritises the pedestrian journey in and around the park and envisions expanded dwell spaces as real public places with enhanced landscaping and street furniture and the space to host added-value attractions such as play areas, artisan food markets and seasonal fairs. A management suite and customer services centre will also be created to provide a front-of-house presence right at the heart of the park.

For Phase 3, The Harris Partnership has submitted planning proposals for the conversion of the former car parking and garden centre into a vibrant new restaurant unit for Nando’s with covered external seating, that will revitalise an under-utilised corner of the park. Together this £24m, multi-faceted refurbishment investment will secure the long term future of the park as a quality shopping destination.

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